Chapter 5-6-1: Irregular Verbs

Grammar > Using Verbs > Forming Tenses > Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs form the past participle and the past form without "-(e)d" or "-t", and frequently their past form and past participle are different. For example, the past form of the verb "break" is "broke" and the past participle is "broken."

This list contains the most common verbs that form their past tenses irregularly:

Table: English Irregular Verb Chart [Quick Reference]

Tip: print or photocopy this table as a quick reference

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Attribution information for this page: Written by Heather MacFadyen with adaptations from englishpage.comPageID: eslid00956Page keywords: verb chart, verb table, irregular verbs, infinitive, base form, past simple, simple past, past participle, verb table, past participle verb table, past participle table