Chapter 11-1-3: Placement of Citations

Writing > MLA > Citation Rules > Citation Placement
  • Place a citation as close to the quoted or paraphrased material as possible without disrupting the sentence.

  • When material from one source and the same page number is used throughout a paragraph, use one citation at the end of the paragraph rather than a citation at the end of each sentence.

  • Parenthetical citations usually appear after the final quotation mark and before the period. An exception occurs, however, in quotes of four or more lines since these quotes are presented as block quotes; that is, they are indented and use no quotation marks. In such cases, the parenthetical citation goes after the period, as the following example shows:

During a recession, it becomes especially difficult to find a job. Smith argues that the most effective job hunting method is what he calls the creative job hunting approach:

figuring out your best skills, and favorite knowledge, and then researching any employer that interests you, before approaching that organization and arranging, through your contacts, to see the person there who has the power to hire you for the position you are interested in. This method, faithfully followed, leads to a job for 86 out of every 100 job-hunters who try it. (57)

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