Chapter 3-2: Tone and Mood

Reading > Literary Analysis > Tone and Mood

Tone in literature tells readers how the author (or speaker) thinks about his or her subject. The author's style conveys the tone in literature. Tone is the author's attitude toward story and readers.

Mood is the effect of the writer's words on the reader. Mood is how the writer’s words make readers feel.

Summary Table of Commonly Used Tone Words [Quick Reference]

What follows is a list of commonly used tone words that you can use to describe a text’s tone:

Summary Table of Commonly Used Mood Words [Quick Reference]

What follows is a list of commonly used mood words that you can use to describe moods that may stir within readers when they read the author’s text:

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Attribution information for this page: Written by Jamie BridgePage keywords: happy, angry, sadPageID: eslid38601