Chapter 13-1-1: Jamie's List of Reliable (Credible) & Unreliable Research Sources for College Students' Papers
What Is This List and Why Was It Made?
As someone that must grade a lot of papers, I often see many unreliable sources being quoted or cited. I am compiling a list, here, of what I consider to be reliable (credible) and unreliable sources that are often cited by my students. I started this list in the first place because I couldn't find any sort of similar list anywhere online. I have since discovered a few other sources that rate media and these are available to you in the "External Resources" section at the bottom of this page.
Who is This List For?
This list is intended as a guide for students at the community college, CEGEP, and 1st or 2nd-year university level. Students at higher levels will want to be even more particular (selective) in their evaluation of sources before using them in their papers.
Does This List Come With Any Warnings?
This list is maintained with the understanding that the entries on it are not some sort of "stamp of approval" but rather a general guide. Do not for a moment believe that just because your research comes from one of the sources listed here that it is automatically a "good" or "bad" source. What is more, it is possible for a media source to "lose" its credibility (for example, when it is sold to a new owner). The onus is still on the student to evaluate every article that they review for credibility. Feel free to use this page for your own use and feel free to suggest any sources to be added or to comment/critcise my suggestions via:
Note that the so-called "unreliable sources" listed here are nonetheless good starting points for student researchers to begin their journey toward producing relevant arguments and ideas. Visit these "unreliable" sites to get ideas and to see if they point to more credible, reliable sources.
Is This List About Bias?
Not directly, no. This list is about sources that are generally reliable enough to cite or quote in college papers. Although, you may see comments about extreme bias in the comments section. Sometimes, media is biased to the point that it becomes unreliable. Arguably, all media is biased. It's up to consumers to be aware of pitfalls and perform due diligence when researching. If you find a strong left-leaning article, try to balance it with a right-leaning article.
What is the "Left" and the "Right?"
Wikipedia states this well when it states that "Generally, the left-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism" while the right-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism." In Canada the Liberal Party, and the New Democratic Party are examples of left-leaning parties while the Conservative Party is right-leaning. In the United States, the Democrats lean left and the Republicans lean right.
Suggestions & Critiques
Question: is it possible to submit a source so that it can be evaluated and added to this list?
Response: yes. Use the "SEND FEEDBACK" button at the bottom of the page to submit your request.
Question: I disagree with the rating that you assigned a source on the list. Can I critique or dispute your rating?
Response: yes. I'll update the item with your critique. Use the "SEND FEEDBACK" button at the bottom of the page to submit your critique.